What are your maximum revs (crank revolutions per minute) fixed-wheel?
What is the maximum rpm you can sustain?
My max so far is 146rpm
I feel ‘comfortable’ sustaining about 115rpm
I know a lot of you won’t spoil the lines of their beautiful fixed-gear grods with anything as modern-ugly as a cyclocomputer, but for those who do, here’s how I derived my rpm (alternatively use Rabbit http://software.bareknucklebrigade.com/rabbit.applet.html to give an approximation.) :
I’m running ‘49T x 20T ‘
(165mm cranks
700c x 32mm tyres)
Max speed achieved so far a modest 28.8mph (Cateye computer says)
49/20x27 = 66.15 ‘gear inches’
66.15 x pi = 207.82 ‘development’ (inches)
[1mph = 1056 inches-per-minute]
28.8 x 1056 = 30412.80 inches-per-minute
30412.80/207.82 = ***146.34rpm
***Legs going like 'bees wings' let me tell you!
But need to HTFU and break the 30mph barrier now (152.44rpm)...
OK. Similar to Sloptster's thread, but...**
What are your maximum revs (crank revolutions per minute) fixed-wheel?
What is the maximum rpm you can sustain?
My max so far is 146rpm
I feel ‘comfortable’ sustaining about 115rpm
I know a lot of you won’t spoil the lines of their beautiful fixed-gear grods with anything as modern-ugly as a cyclocomputer, but for those who do, here’s how I derived my rpm (alternatively use Rabbit http://software.bareknucklebrigade.com/rabbit.applet.html to give an approximation.) :
I’m running ‘49T x 20T ‘
(165mm cranks
700c x 32mm tyres)
Max speed achieved so far a modest 28.8mph (Cateye computer says)
49/20x27 = 66.15 ‘gear inches’
66.15 x pi = 207.82 ‘development’ (inches)
[1mph = 1056 inches-per-minute]
28.8 x 1056 = 30412.80 inches-per-minute
30412.80/207.82 = ***146.34rpm
***Legs going like 'bees wings' let me tell you!
But need to HTFU and break the 30mph barrier now (152.44rpm)...