The registered company for the domain is Wallis Products Ltd:
Wallis Products Limited
13/14 Willow farm buildings
Tyland Lane
Maidstone, Kent ME14 3BN
Domain name: POSHBIKES.COM
Administrative Contact:
Booth, Matt <>
13/14 Willow farm buildings
Tyland Lane
Maidstone, Kent ME14 3BN
01622 762055
And Wallis Products Ltd is turning over a sum so small that's barely registered according to Companies House. Implies that they're barely in business if in business at all.
I seriously want an item they're selling, and they are the UK importer. Going elsewhere adds more than £150 to the cost. But hells bells, I'm not sure they could do more to make me feel uneasy about spending money with them.
Even forgiving Eurobike... have they not heard of answering phones and updating messages to say something like "We're out at Eurobike and will be back on blah"?
So persisting by phone is worth considering?
Their prices seem out of date, and email is unresponsive.
The only thing that let me think it's worth continuing trying is that it goes back to an address ultimately via the domain registration.
The last updated file date I can is from 2006:
The registered company for the domain is Wallis Products Ltd:
I seriously want an item they're selling, and they are the UK importer. Going elsewhere adds more than £150 to the cost. But hells bells, I'm not sure they could do more to make me feel uneasy about spending money with them.
Even forgiving Eurobike... have they not heard of answering phones and updating messages to say something like "We're out at Eurobike and will be back on blah"?