I used to have a car, I own only two cars in my life, one of them is a Citroen AX, the other is a second hand Peugeot 206 that was pretty reliable.
The Citroen AX is those 'special' edition one called the 'highlight' painted in what appear to be yak sperm with colourful 'spots' lined around the car as well as the white hub cap.
The left suspension is buggered more than a sexually confused schoolboy in Elton, everytime I turn the car left at a certain speed, it 'hop', quite literally hopped as if the road is molted lavas and the car is trying not to touch it with it's front left wheel.
The heater doesn't work, which blast chilly air in winter and hot petroleum air in the summer that during a 600 miles journey on it to Italy, my mate decided to puke on the dashboard due to the petroleum smell, it end up smelling like an elephant covered in oil that I simply can't get rid of no matter how many air freshener I put up on the rearview mirror.
The radio only managed to pick up a couple of station, which I later learn to appreciate Jazz, I always hated this car, despite the engine being miraculously reliable.
The Peugeot 206 was fine, it work, it does what I want it to do, and despite being French, it was reliable.
Out of the two cars, I prefer the Citroen over the Peugeot, for some odd reason, I have umpteen love for that piece of Victorian biscuit tin with tyres made out of chalk running on Bulgarian wine.
My point is that even if your bike is heavy and probably is a piece of shit despite it being perfectly functional, you're likely to have a lots of love toward your cyrrent bike than a brand new fixie skidder.
I'm quoting this so it doesn't get lost forever.