• The inner rectangle lines are there to warn of approaching walls.
    The inner 'D' semi-circle is designating the 'goal-area' which all players start the game in at the joust and it's the area which you return to after scoring a goal.
    The outer 'D' semi-circle is designated to take the ball out in case of a shuffle or the ball coming back through the goals.
    Then there is a half-court line.

    These dimensions are somewhere between Newington and Mitch. Being about 2 meters wider than Downham. Goal to goal is about the same distance as the back walls of the set-in goals at Newington, there is an additional 3 meters of space behind the goals, kinda like if the set-in goals weren't at Mitch and we kept our goals in the same place. Goal width is the same as the euros.

    Things I would change:
    -Corners less rounded with maybe a 1 meter radius.
    -Larger semi-circle, or 'D' removed. (I feel we should move to the two-touch rule as we are of the minority -or maybe the only- people who use a 'D')
    -Maybe add a quarter-court line instead, which you return to after a goal is scored. (Again, keeping in tune with the way the rest of the world plays but keeping it behind half court.)
