Arron you made an impressive recovery; I want some of those energy bars!
I'm the bloke with the tattoos on the lovely blinged out Pug conversion. It was nice to meet you and I hope to see you on some more rides.
All in all there were some rough spots and things we would probably do differently next time, but I really enjoyed the outing.
Thanks buddy!
You too man, for sure - didn't get much of a chance to have a chat this time round but it'd be good to on the next.
I totally agree that although the pace was okay for me, we need to keep in consideration all of those involved which will prevent all of those unnecessary stops on every corner we came to so that we could wait for people to catch up. I'd rather go a bit slower than keep losing momentum (especially at the BOTTOM of hills!)
Thanks buddy!
You too man, for sure - didn't get much of a chance to have a chat this time round but it'd be good to on the next.
I totally agree that although the pace was okay for me, we need to keep in consideration all of those involved which will prevent all of those unnecessary stops on every corner we came to so that we could wait for people to catch up. I'd rather go a bit slower than keep losing momentum (especially at the BOTTOM of hills!)