• #127
oh and obviously good to hear the OP is doing well.
• #128
Get well soon, Rudy!
• #129
Thanks a lot guys! I am back on the bike tomorrow to go to work!!!
These attack pisses me off so much. My mate's friend got attacked while doing a trackstand at the traffic light.
She was on her way to work and this guy walked into the road and elbowed her in the chest, she fell and fractured 4 bone in her left arm.
It happened in Clerkenwell.That is fucked up man!
• #130
The more I read this thread the happier I am that I live in Brighton where the most I have to worry about is a tramp strike. Glad to hear your getting back on tomorrow!
Cowardice, pure and simple. If you step into a ring it's about fairness, an even match, a contest, in a controlled environment. Those who want to 'deck' someone for kicks 9 times out of 10 will stack the odds in their favour (attacking from behind, having some equally vile mates lurking nearby, using a weapon, etc. etc.). People who carry out these sort of random attacks don't have the guts to do what you're suggesting.