• #52
^^If they did, they would probably get more rubbish people voting.
• #53
I don't think it does actually - the freedom and self-sufficiency actually sits quite well with a lot of right wing ideals. And for a Libertarian Tory like Boris not wearing a helmet used to be a political statement - although it seems he has been leant on in that instance judging by his new 'Oyster' head gear!
the idea of tories on bikes unbalances the universe. they're meant to be driving Jags, hunting grouse and spitting on poor people, not (pretending to be) all friendly and caring. at least with Thatcher you knew where you stood with the tories because they were honest about their politics. you'd never see old milk-snatcher on a fixie.
• #54
Boris goes fixed though, that's great!
• #55
As for whoever said he was extremely clever :S
Despite all appearances it's a matter of verifiable record.
He comes across as a buffoon, no doubt, and yet he:- earned a King's Scholarship to Eton
- earned a scholarship to Oxford and got a 2:1 in classics there
- was elected president of the Union (the debating society for those that don't know)
- became Assistant Editor of the Telegraph
- became Editor of the Spectator.
You don't get to do all of those things without a considerable amount of mental ability.
Which makes his apparent twatishness all the more puzzling.
- earned a King's Scholarship to Eton
• #56
Blimey! Beaten to it up loading. He was riding Amy's bike from http://www.cyclodelic.co.uk/ . I did a no-handed trackstand in front of him and he said I had "beautiful balance".
Couple more on my FB here: http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=306955&id=523520240&l=1c66a14e3f
http://photos-e.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/hs266.snc1/9320_283813845240_523520240_8659172_3284806_n.jpgI declare this "trend" officially over.
• #57
Massive +1 - his bumbling clown act is exactly that. That's what's so dangerous about him. He's actually very clever and very right wing.
Despite all appearances it's a matter of verifiable record.
He comes across as a buffoon, no doubt, and yet he:[]earned a King's Scholarship to Eton
[] earned a scholarship to Oxford and got a 2:1 in classics there
[] was elected president of the Union (the debating society for those that don't know)
[] became Assistant Editor of the Telegraph
[*] became Editor of the Spectator.You don't get to do all of those things without a considerable amount of mental ability.
Which makes his apparent twatishness all the more puzzling.
• #58
Cycling is for everyone. Political persuasion doesn't matter at all.
• #59
Cycling is for everyone. Political persuasion doesn't matter at all.
You're wrong. Only proven marxists with appropriate credentials are allowed on or within 8 feet of bicycles.
And that's science fact.
• #60
CYOA, bagpiping fact into news.
• #61
You've got to love the man. He rides a bike!
• #62
Saw one of the Friday rides round by Holland Park last week. Look a bit chaotic - glad I'm not shepherding those cats - but props to anyone who tries.
New people on bikes are a good thing. Anything that removes the barrier from them trying is a good thing.
This weeks nodder is next years fixie skidder. And as Winston points out, that shit stopped being cool ages ago.
• #63
Cycling is for everyone. Political persuasion doesn't matter at all.
Except the gays Oliver, and the foreigners.
• #64
I declare this "trend" officially over.
can only be a good thing surely?
• #65
That's chris-who-used-to-work-in-cyclesurgery's girlfriend's bike!
• #66
haha! this is fantastic. Perhaps a convert!
• #67
Massive +1 - his bumbling clown act is exactly that. That's what's so dangerous about him. He's actually very clever and very right wing.
...yeah, just you wait. The olympic site is actually a massive gas chamber.
The idea that anyone in british politics could be 'dangerous' these days... It would almost be a refreshing change if he did turn out to be a church-burning nazi murderer, because then at least it would give us a reason to vote.
I personally fucking hate churches.
• #68
puts all the hipsters to shame.
• #69
if he's going to wear a lid I wish he'd wear it properly.
• #70
ah someone who understands my bug bear.
• #71
What a hipster.
I'm a foreigner here to live off the dole and steal your women, so I can't really vote and find your politics both bemusing and hopelessly confusing. I do think Boris is quite clever and the buffoonery is an act. I do enjoy having him as mayor rather than the overly earnest and po faced Ken Livingstone.However, as I said, I'm a foreigner. If it all goes pear-shaped I can pretend I had nothing to do with it.
• #72
Ah that Amy, one of the few people from the forum I have met. Proper serious fixie skidder she has too, narrow deep drops, track stem and an intense flouro-clash colour scheme.
Boris is well real innit.
• #73
i like boris
• #74
final word from the man himself in todays Times.
"As for those gearless bicycles everybody seems to be using nowadays, they are obviously beautiful and ideologically pure, but they are murder to pedal uphill"
so everybody, you aint cool or trendy anymore. -
• #75
Speak for yourself. I'm currently wearing sunglasses in a hot tub.