So I've started collecting the bits to get a beater / polo bike together.
I'm wondering if this frame is a waste of time as it turns out to be an 'all terrain' bike rather than a racer.
The dropout size is 140mm which I thought I'd do a home coldset on, but I don't think i have the right tools to get the cranks off as after removing the bolt, there's a screw there and my tool is for cobbled.
Then the brakes are some kind of center pull business with a cable going through the stem. Will I be able to replace these?
I'm basically having to do this on the cheap as my funds are required elsewhere, but I'm keen to get in to polo.
So I've started collecting the bits to get a beater / polo bike together.
I'm wondering if this frame is a waste of time as it turns out to be an 'all terrain' bike rather than a racer.
The dropout size is 140mm which I thought I'd do a home coldset on, but I don't think i have the right tools to get the cranks off as after removing the bolt, there's a screw there and my tool is for cobbled.
Then the brakes are some kind of center pull business with a cable going through the stem. Will I be able to replace these?
I'm basically having to do this on the cheap as my funds are required elsewhere, but I'm keen to get in to polo.
Is this frame a non-starter?
It's a Raleigh Montage and it was free.