Well, that and if I spend 40 minutes on a wheel and it my truing/spoke replacement isn't actually working, then I won't charge the customer.
I can honestly say in my case I have a hatred for bodging jobs that is more than financial, and try and direct people to whatever will work best for them/their bike. Quite often that means replaceing something when it's worn out instead of finding a costly way around it that may or may not work.
Well, that and if I spend 40 minutes on a wheel and it my truing/spoke replacement isn't actually working, then I won't charge the customer.
I can honestly say in my case I have a hatred for bodging jobs that is more than financial, and try and direct people to whatever will work best for them/their bike. Quite often that means replaceing something when it's worn out instead of finding a costly way around it that may or may not work.