pretty sure everyone here has a decimal place in there somewhere... I have 1.3 as i've got about 1/3rd of a bike rattling around the house.
If you count the parts bin, all bets are off.
I have 8* at the moment, but there's a frame and enough spare parts to make one more, and there might be another frame or two in my dad's shed which are technically mine.
1: Lo-pro
2: fixed road bike
3: bike for use on the rollers
4: TT/Track bike (depending on which bars it has on it)
5: summer road bike
7: winter road bike
8: two-speed hybrid 29er mongrel bike
If you count the parts bin, all bets are off.
I have 8* at the moment, but there's a frame and enough spare parts to make one more, and there might be another frame or two in my dad's shed which are technically mine.
1: Lo-pro
2: fixed road bike
3: bike for use on the rollers
4: TT/Track bike (depending on which bars it has on it)
5: summer road bike
7: winter road bike
8: two-speed hybrid 29er mongrel bike