It gets better: The whole date involved sitting in a pub watching England have their arses whipped in some football international (which I didn't mind, I'm a simple (not stupid) person and football is fine).... THEN I wouldn't put out, hence I got left in the kebab shop and I had to catch the bus home with enough falaffel to feed all of Brixton.
He emailed the next day saying 'sorry I acted like a toss pot last night can I buy you dinner?'
That is obviously what you call an english gentleman?
i'm pretty disgusted he didn't sort you out with a decent grilled lamb number, i'd have taken the football, and come ones and being left but to be sold out with Falaffel.. man i'd hunt him down for that!
i'm pretty disgusted he didn't sort you out with a decent grilled lamb number, i'd have taken the football, and come ones and being left but to be sold out with Falaffel.. man i'd hunt him down for that!