+1 to what DJ said. Why do n00bs get flamed for inciting a helmet debate whereas more established forum members get thrown a bone? Save it for your blog Roxy.
I'm a new dad and have been surprised at how many people are now asking me to wear a helmet. Why? Do you suddenly start cycling like a cunt when you have kids? Why stop there? I'll should just get a great big fuck off SUV and stop cycling all together.
+1 to what DJ said. Why do n00bs get flamed for inciting a helmet debate whereas more established forum members get thrown a bone? Save it for your blog Roxy.
I'm a new dad and have been surprised at how many people are now asking me to wear a helmet. Why? Do you suddenly start cycling like a cunt when you have kids? Why stop there? I'll should just get a great big fuck off SUV and stop cycling all together.