Offered on behalf of my pal Wig (not on here) who bought a lovely Cougar frame, too-good-to-be-true price, turns out seat tube was cracked and unmendable (funny hi-tensile tubes apparently). That frame is available to anyone looking for lugs/BB shell/ends for re-use, btw. Not sure but presume also Columbus.
These forks are tight clearance, undrilled, nice paint and Cougar panto, as you can see. 531, with columbus ends, gentle rake.
The brown stuff is just residue from parcel tape, comes off easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Offered to someone on here for his Gazelle, but possibly not wanted (undrilled), I'm waiting to hear.
Not sure how to measure the steerer - you can see from pic that it's 233mm to the crown race bit, or 240mm to the crown.
Offered on behalf of my pal Wig (not on here) who bought a lovely Cougar frame, too-good-to-be-true price, turns out seat tube was cracked and unmendable (funny hi-tensile tubes apparently). That frame is available to anyone looking for lugs/BB shell/ends for re-use, btw. Not sure but presume also Columbus.
These forks are tight clearance, undrilled, nice paint and Cougar panto, as you can see. 531, with columbus ends, gentle rake.
The brown stuff is just residue from parcel tape, comes off easy peasy lemon squeezy.
Offered to someone on here for his Gazelle, but possibly not wanted (undrilled), I'm waiting to hear.
Not sure how to measure the steerer - you can see from pic that it's 233mm to the crown race bit, or 240mm to the crown.
£40 sound reasonable?