• roxy, no kids but I do have a girlfriend. I don't wear my helmet because of her or anyone else. I wear it mainly because I own it. Having purchased a helmet for a cross Canada trip (manadatory in BC and NB) it would be particularly stupid to end up in an accident not wearing it. Also, like wearing glasses or doing up a seatbelt, I tend to feel a bit naked without it. I guess that over time I have become habituated to it. I recognise the risks associated with wearing a helmet but I'm prepared to take them.

    Interesting the way you lay out your argument about being selfish. The greatest risk I have when cycling is descending hills at high speed. The possibilty exists of an accident causing significant bodily damage leaving me with a long period of rehab and a lifetime of care needs, all while my noggin remains in tip top condition. I can only imagine that psychologically I would not fare well in those circumstances. Am I being self-lumping my parter with that? Would I be better off dead?

    Well, obviously I would be, but how about if you enter yourself into a similar scenario? A well preserved brain but a crippled body.
