• Are people who choose to travel in buses and coaches and black cabs also being selfish by travelling in a vehicle that is as likely to be involved in a crash as any other road going vehicle knowing that they won't be using seatbelts?
    Or the underground or overground trains for that matter?
    There are even HGVs still on the road with no seatbelts.

    Do we all cross the street rather than walk past a building with scaffolding on its side incase a workman should have an accident and drop his tools?

    I see people that have been cycling for a long time answering their phones whilst they ride...i've seen plenty of forum members riding when drunk and weaving all over the road and ploughing through crossings shouting at pedestrians who get in their way.

    People take risks all the time...thankfully i've never had an accident on the roads since i was 6yrs old.That doesn't mean i never will...thankfully i've never lost a relative due to a car crash, but again that doesn't mean i never will.

    As has been mentioned already, not everyone who chooses not to wear a helmet does so because they think they look 'cooler' without one.
    I wear one every time i ride off-road for the simple reason that i'm far more likely to crash riding on muddy, rocky, rooty, uneven surfaces than i am riding on predominantly smooth tarmac.
    I know that if i'm going to be involved in an accident on the roads it's more likely to be due to a careless driver than to my own actions...but at the same time, i don't put a helmet on every time i cross the street incase a careless driver should crash into me either.
