Quite possibly entering a 10 next Saturday on a fairly flat course, and interested in giving it a go fixed.
I've already set up the bike for the track day next month with an 88" gear (47x14, I think a 15 sprocket would have gear too spinny for HH, and I can't afford to cock around buying new chain rings). Using a bit of math, pushing that gear at 90rpm gives me a time of 25 dead for the 10 miles. I've only got bullhorns, and only running a front brake, but that satisfies the rules, doesn't it?
The last time I did a TT was 3 years ago and I recorded 26m30 on an undulating course, but I do feel that I am a bit fitter now.
So the question is, am I biting off nore than I can chew, and should I just ride this TT using the road bike (with standard drops)?
Quite possibly entering a 10 next Saturday on a fairly flat course, and interested in giving it a go fixed.
I've already set up the bike for the track day next month with an 88" gear (47x14, I think a 15 sprocket would have gear too spinny for HH, and I can't afford to cock around buying new chain rings). Using a bit of math, pushing that gear at 90rpm gives me a time of 25 dead for the 10 miles. I've only got bullhorns, and only running a front brake, but that satisfies the rules, doesn't it?
The last time I did a TT was 3 years ago and I recorded 26m30 on an undulating course, but I do feel that I am a bit fitter now.
So the question is, am I biting off nore than I can chew, and should I just ride this TT using the road bike (with standard drops)?