• I'm married with two kids, and I generally ride with a helmet.
    That said, if I'm pootling off to the shops, I rarely wear one. Admittedly I live in a semi rural environment, so I don't have the traffic hell that you chaps in that there London have to endure, but still I love the ind blowing through what little hair I have left...
    I don't skip the lid to be cool. I've never been cool. It's just that it sometimes just feels great to not have that shitty lump of polystyrene strapped to my noggin. You can argue that wearing a helmet will go some way to saving you, and I genuinely believe that, but in the same way that I regularly drink to much and eat loads of cheese and salty snacks, I think an occasional helmet-less spin is a mildly risky indulgence.
    I think the argument seems to be 'I've not been knocked of the bike, but if I was, I'd like to have all the bases covered with my loved ones to avoid a bollocking'
    Well surely the next step is to avoid riding a bike altogether, as there is a raised risk to your personal safety by taking to the roads on a bike in the first place. It's not as risky as the press keep bleating about, but there is increased risk.
    I'll wear a helmet on my commute, and on some long rides, but will still treat myself to breezy helmet-less rides on a regular basis!
