Today was last straw for me and continental products,
I had one set of gator skins a few years back that I got through about a year with no punctures perfect tyres, I brought a new set and and had non stop punctures threw them out. Vowed not to touch them again and didn't for 2 years.
Today with a 1 day old gatrorskin 25c and continental tube combo I got a puncture. It was one of those punctures that just shouldn't have happened. rant over
Today was last straw for me and continental products,
I had one set of gator skins a few years back that I got through about a year with no punctures perfect tyres, I brought a new set and and had non stop punctures threw them out. Vowed not to touch them again and didn't for 2 years.
Today with a 1 day old gatrorskin 25c and continental tube combo I got a puncture. It was one of those punctures that just shouldn't have happened. rant over