Well it was another lovely night on the roof! I managed the longest wheelie I've ever done (which really isn't that long).
My only concern is that the roof is becoming a bit of a shoreditch hangout. By nightfall, there were nearly as many people up there without bikes as there were with. I guess they all float around our scene, and I know a few of them quite well, but we don't want our secret rooftop to be turned into the next hoxton square, nor do we want the security suddenly to have a problem with crowds of people on the roof.
I don't really know what the answer is, I just thought I'd put it out there. TrixieDix is a wonderful thing, lets keep an eye on it.
Well it was another lovely night on the roof! I managed the longest wheelie I've ever done (which really isn't that long).
My only concern is that the roof is becoming a bit of a shoreditch hangout. By nightfall, there were nearly as many people up there without bikes as there were with. I guess they all float around our scene, and I know a few of them quite well, but we don't want our secret rooftop to be turned into the next hoxton square, nor do we want the security suddenly to have a problem with crowds of people on the roof.
I don't really know what the answer is, I just thought I'd put it out there. TrixieDix is a wonderful thing, lets keep an eye on it.