just wait till it's fitted and you find your first down hill just remember to keep your eyes on the road NOT the speedo
i bet you try and go as fast as you can just to get a good reading on the speedo
nothing more satisfying than getting it above 40mph then 50 then 60 i remember when i was pleased to have cracked 30mph downhill now thats just an average commute along the flat
speeds above may appear larger than in real life *
just wait till it's fitted and you find your first down hill just remember to keep your eyes on the road NOT the speedo
i bet you try and go as fast as you can just to get a good reading on the speedo
nothing more satisfying than getting it above 40mph then 50 then 60 i remember when i was pleased to have cracked 30mph downhill now thats just an average commute along the flat