and they've been brilliant, only recently developing a small hole in the padding of the palm of one. I thought if they've been really good then these ones ,
being the next ones up in the range, would be even better. They're not, completely different and not nearly as nice. So I whole heartedly recommend the Endura Mighty Mitts (for £15), but equally recommend you steer clear of the FS260 Aerogel mitts (for £25), a tenner more expensive and a real disappointment :(
I got these endura mitts 2-3 years ago
and they've been brilliant, only recently developing a small hole in the padding of the palm of one. I thought if they've been really good then these ones ,
being the next ones up in the range, would be even better. They're not, completely different and not nearly as nice. So I whole heartedly recommend the Endura Mighty Mitts (for £15), but equally recommend you steer clear of the FS260 Aerogel mitts (for £25), a tenner more expensive and a real disappointment :(