Anyone should be allowed to post on the sub-forums as long as they check before posting WHERE they are doing so. What was seen as annoying, and to some extent bullying, was posters from other parts of the forum making sarcastic and rude comments about stuff that had appeared elsewhere, but had only RECENTLY appeared on the CAMBRIDGE sub-forum. Yes, WE KNOW that the London lot are going to do Ride X, there's a thread about it, THAT'S HOW WE KNOW, so when a thread appears on the Cambridge forum about Ride X garnering local interest, it can be useful to have some input from the London crew, as long as it's not of the "repost" variety.
Is there any way that posters not members of the Cambridge forum could receive a pop-up notification when they are posting on a local forum? A kind of 'are you sure you mean to post here?' sort of thing?
Or leave it as it is. I'm sure we can be as rigourous as the re-post police on the main forum in pointing out Social Group Forum fails!
Anyone should be allowed to post on the sub-forums as long as they check before posting WHERE they are doing so. What was seen as annoying, and to some extent bullying, was posters from other parts of the forum making sarcastic and rude comments about stuff that had appeared elsewhere, but had only RECENTLY appeared on the CAMBRIDGE sub-forum. Yes, WE KNOW that the London lot are going to do Ride X, there's a thread about it, THAT'S HOW WE KNOW, so when a thread appears on the Cambridge forum about Ride X garnering local interest, it can be useful to have some input from the London crew, as long as it's not of the "repost" variety.
Is there any way that posters not members of the Cambridge forum could receive a pop-up notification when they are posting on a local forum? A kind of 'are you sure you mean to post here?' sort of thing?
Or leave it as it is. I'm sure we can be as rigourous as the re-post police on the main forum in pointing out Social Group Forum fails!