This is the bike known as NFA Vehicles Type 9. Also known as Fiberglass Ladies Bicycle by Mellisa Manning.
Type 9 was designed by my Daughter and built by myself. It is a semi-recumbent, and a utility bike.
I could write pages about this bike, but I'll just say that in general, if one wants to introduce a new bike design, it should have only one new device or inovation. This bike has too many features and leaves people bewildered. Features include:
Semi-recumbent seat- We wanted to make this bike easily adaptable to an Electric Moped.
Fiberglass- Unusual, but if I get around to it, I could just as well put Carbon Fiber in the mold and get a CF bike.
Fairing- Why not make the fairing so it has cargo capacity, or room for batteries if I add a hub-motor? Also, I like the protection. A little extra protection if a car cuts me off.
Anyway, I sold this bike for twelve hundred American Dollars (450% profit) . It was designed by my Daughter, which ends a long-standing argument as to whether a girl can design a bike.
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