So, I have bought an old rusty frame. It's really very rusty, and it has a small crack on the seat-tube, just below the pinch bolt. I am having it blasted so that the crack can be repaired, and so i can see if there is any other damage.
My original plan was to get it blasted, repaired, and then clear-coated. But i have been told by a painter that rust will still appear under the clear (lacquer) coat - even if there are shed loads of coats. Has anyone had any experience of this? What have people used to clear coat frames?
The man i spoke to said that the only way to properly protect the frame from rust was to put a base layer of paint on it...
So, I have bought an old rusty frame. It's really very rusty, and it has a small crack on the seat-tube, just below the pinch bolt. I am having it blasted so that the crack can be repaired, and so i can see if there is any other damage.
My original plan was to get it blasted, repaired, and then clear-coated. But i have been told by a painter that rust will still appear under the clear (lacquer) coat - even if there are shed loads of coats. Has anyone had any experience of this? What have people used to clear coat frames?
The man i spoke to said that the only way to properly protect the frame from rust was to put a base layer of paint on it...
Thoughts would be greatly appreciated...