They do however have a point. As a finance company who has financed similar schemes, I have to agree that for the employer there are some significant downsides. Whilst its a great scheme for the employee, I think it would be almost impossible to convince an employer who was aware of the above and wasn't already minded to provide this as a benefit to go forward. The issue is that there really isn't anything in it for the employer, (aside from the Employers NI saving - and that is easily outweighed on a small scheme by the admin and legal costs).
I think it's impossible to argue with a company if that's their attitude. Significant benefits fro employees should be seen as a benefit for the company! There IS something in ot for the employer - fitter, happier staff with nice shiny bikes from 14. Plus the NI saving.
I think it's impossible to argue with a company if that's their attitude. Significant benefits fro employees should be seen as a benefit for the company! There IS something in ot for the employer - fitter, happier staff with nice shiny bikes from 14. Plus the NI saving.