• Possibly, but another similar scientific principle will only take it's place. More interestingly, is that you go for the soft option,
    rather than taking on the fat can be healthy too argument. But of course, maybe TIME magazine are well known for publishing fiction.

    I don't doubt that it is possible to be fat AND healthy. Or 'overweight' and healthy. Just like it's possible to be 'underweight' and healthy.

    Although the whole ecto-morph/meso-morph thing is a enormous simplification that is horrendously out dated and innacurate etc, it is something that tried to categorise a very real difference between people and how they hold fat.

    Being under weight and overweight is totally relative to the person, as is the bodyweight/fat level they will naturally gravitate towards with their usual diet & lifestyle. Firstly you have the genetics which governs how heavy your frame is, how you will store fat and how athletic/muscular you can be which for a large part is hormonal.

    But the science/research says your typical total adjustable sedentary bodyweight is affected strongly by the diet & activity you had as a child. You become 'programmed' through growing up, by food types and amounts, often learning to be addicted to sugar fixes. For most people this programming is difficult to escape, that is why fat people who get thin through dieting always put the weight back on. The body is telling them that the heavier weight is the healthier normal one, and them being thin is them in a state of starvation.

    This to some extent is true. Going on crash diets and making the empty hollow decision to lose 'weight' is unhealthy. It is also almost always inneffective. Any fat people who genuinely want to change their body type to something actually healthier. Should aim to be more fit & athletic. Exercise, particularly of the weighted variety has the power to bring hormonal & metabolic changes in the body. This will make you a leaner, more muscular and athletic person able to consume more fat & burn it off easily. The key to the choice of exercise/activity is doing something you enjoy that will become part of you lifestyle indefinetley and giving up sugar hits/ controlling carb intake/timing. Following this simple somewhat obvious advice can easily make a lasting change.

    Sorry to get a bit sidetracked there.


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