This is the list. If you are on it, haven't been done yet and are still interested - or are not on it and are interested - then try and give me a clue as to when and where is good for you. Next week at drinks? (before 7.30ish and only if it's not raining). Wednesday day time where you work at lunch or after work? Weekends eastish?
I'm trying to chase up as many individual people as possible but if you want to be on the poster the best way to ensure that is to let me know where/when you'll be around .
thanks Will
Drinks: South
Wednesday day time
Wednesday evening
2.El Guapo
This is the list. If you are on it, haven't been done yet and are still interested - or are not on it and are interested - then try and give me a clue as to when and where is good for you. Next week at drinks? (before 7.30ish and only if it's not raining). Wednesday day time where you work at lunch or after work? Weekends eastish?
I'm trying to chase up as many individual people as possible but if you want to be on the poster the best way to ensure that is to let me know where/when you'll be around .
thanks Will