This is a bit of a long shot as I've got to get it sorted on my day off tomorrow, but if anyone in reach of Bethnal Green has a bottom bracket spanner, and doesn't mind me bringing the bike round to take out the BB I would be extremely grateful!
Got to be tonight or tomorrow morning though!
I'm fairly new to this so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the Campag style of BB spanner required. See pic attached:
This is a bit of a long shot as I've got to get it sorted on my day off tomorrow, but if anyone in reach of Bethnal Green has a bottom bracket spanner, and doesn't mind me bringing the bike round to take out the BB I would be extremely grateful!
Got to be tonight or tomorrow morning though!
I'm fairly new to this so correct me if I'm wrong, but I think it's the Campag style of BB spanner required. See pic attached: