I don't understand your point.
in the op, it was clear that the officer was not fettered by forms, he used discretion which according to you they apparently they are not capable of having.
"It can happen". Not "It always happens". Just because something has not happened within your own experience, it does not mean that that something does not happen elsewhere. by the same token, you cannot extrapolate from James's experience, nor can you discount other experiences on that basis.
i agree, but i can only comment on what i have experienced and from other's first hand accounts, nor did i discount anyone's experience on this thread. james presented an experience and i quoted that as a prime example of being stopped and the fact that he was not arrested for being pissed off. like i said i have been stopped many times in the past, outside my door, singled out while walking with friends, or because i was alone in the street at 4am etc, etc.
anyway this discussion is going in circles and in a negative direction, the op was pleased with the reason for being stopped and had no issues with giving his details. it's amazing how much it has derailed towards a negative attitude although he thought it was a good thing. jamesiw posted a positive experience with police and that was ignored within the context of this thread, no doubt clouded by conspiracy theories.
i had a chat with veevee yesterday at the bright times do and she mentioned we (westerners) spend too much time thinking negative thoughts, and i totally agree.
anyway this discussion is going in circles and in a negative direction, the op was pleased with the reason for being stopped and had no issues with giving his details. it's amazing how much it has derailed towards a negative attitude although he thought it was a good thing. jamesiw posted a positive experience with police and that was ignored within the context of this thread, no doubt clouded by conspiracy theories.
i had a chat with veevee yesterday at the bright times do and she mentioned we (westerners) spend too much time thinking negative thoughts, and i totally agree.