Technically you dont need anything to sort it, basically (if you hadnt been so lazy and had read the wiki article xD) you need 3 days initial rest to calm the swelling and then 6 - 8 weeks not doign any strenuous activities / possible immobilization, so no fixed fo 6 - 8 weeks, best go to the GP to check whether it needs imobilizing, cause that would suck if you did, like no walking :S
Technically you dont need anything to sort it, basically (if you hadnt been so lazy and had read the wiki article xD) you need 3 days initial rest to calm the swelling and then 6 - 8 weeks not doign any strenuous activities / possible immobilization, so no fixed fo 6 - 8 weeks, best go to the GP to check whether it needs imobilizing, cause that would suck if you did, like no walking :S