So this hasn't been posted in recently so I thought I'd liven it up a bit.
As you can see there's quite a few conversions rolling about town these days!
I particularly like the Sun frame, it's gorgeous. It's just a shame the owner is going to have parts nicked on him because he can't lock it properly...idiot. Lovely bike though!
The last image is of a wee single-speed I saw in Stillorgan, even THAT bike is locked better than the Sun because it doesn't have quick release wheels!
So this hasn't been posted in recently so I thought I'd liven it up a bit.
As you can see there's quite a few conversions rolling about town these days!
I particularly like the Sun frame, it's gorgeous. It's just a shame the owner is going to have parts nicked on him because he can't lock it properly...idiot. Lovely bike though!
The last image is of a wee single-speed I saw in Stillorgan, even THAT bike is locked better than the Sun because it doesn't have quick release wheels!
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