• Hi Lynx,

    Sorry for delay in replying the hackney Bike Workshop is an open workshop which runs for two hours twice a month. People bring and work on their own bikes which vary from dodgy old three speed roadsters and cheapo mountain bikes to top end Road bikes it depends who turn up on the night. Practically every session now days we get people straightening making wheels and there are always problems with brakes and gears. I have posted a few pictures of the workshop at http://www.flickr.com/photos/funny_cyclist/3497102329/ I've meant to take more but I never get enough time.

    The idea is to teach people how to repair their bikes but this is always a balance with actually getting the work done in the time available.

    We now have a good crowd of 6 regular volunteers with tow or three others who turn up irregularly.

    I hope that is enough information for you.

