Little 6 inch Maglight sitting on the road getting run over by cars. After a hundred meters or so I decided I'd ride back and pick it up so it didnt die a painful death. Chap was coming the other way and had just passed it and stopped.
"Did that just fall out of your bag mate"
"No... just saw it and decided to grab it"
"Oh... well, it just fell out of my bag"
"Whatever mate"
Little 6 inch Maglight sitting on the road getting run over by cars. After a hundred meters or so I decided I'd ride back and pick it up so it didnt die a painful death. Chap was coming the other way and had just passed it and stopped.
"Did that just fall out of your bag mate"
"No... just saw it and decided to grab it"
"Oh... well, it just fell out of my bag"
"Whatever mate"
Enjoy your little torch fella...
EDIT: For the record, I dont really give a toss.