• #2
i'm interested in the paul lever if you split.
• #3
He beat me to it ^
• #4
I'd rather not, if I can avoid it - it's not hinged, and I'd have to remove the grips.
• #5
Which cinelli stem is it? And how long is the stem?
• #6
might be on for the risers if u split - love the no frills can't be bothered marketing strategy ;).... dibs if case, after photo..
• #7
i'm also after the paul lever. srs dibs if it gets to me
• #8
Which paul comp lever?
Cross or 'E'
If its a right hand cross lever, I'll take the lot.
• #9
I have a right hand paul cross lever if any body wants it.....
• #10
Subject to prior dibs, I might be interested in taking the whole lot depending on the length/ type of stem. Await the photos! Thanks
• #11
might be on for the risers if u split - love the no frills can't be bothered marketing strategy ;).... dibs if case, after photo..
Is it high-concept strategy, or can't-be-bothered laziness... Who knows?
Pics to come. Maybe. If I get around to it.
• #12
• #13
Patience is a virtue, my friend.
• #14
yeah, i was gonna hurry you along a bit, can we have some so of action plan/timescale from getting said items out from bottom of tool box to photo's on the forum! ;)
• #15
even just a bit of detail on the parts would help...that doesn't then require the gruelling trip to the garage
• #16
I'm at work at the moment - when I get home I shall lavish you with all manner of details, and digital images from every conceivable angle.
• #17
£30 cash without pictures???
• #18
no messing, bang dm80, wihtout a doubt my fav thread to follow at minute..
• #19
£30 cash without pictures???
or £50 with
• #20
OK, apologies for delay. Also, stem seems to have somehow changed into a 3ttttttt model since I last saw it....
• #21
And another, equally big, picture:
• #22
Dear god i need a paul components lever...
• #23
They're great. I was using mine with a Veloce caliper, and it pulled so hard with so little effort. I've got drops and a set of old Shimano 600 levers now, which are nowhere near as powerful, but it's what I need for a long commute - more aero.
• #24
arrgh, not only stem changed to a 3ttt, the risers are now flat bar!! love it
I have a set of steel risers, chopped to the exact width of my hip bones (like a mouse's skull; if they can get through a gap, so can I...), attached to a Cinelli stem, and also attached to a Paul Comp lever, and also attached to a dirtyish set of yellow Oury grips. They're all attached, in a sort of bundle, see? Thing is, I don't need them anymore, see? Going to sell them, for monies. I would post a picture, but they're in my toolbox, in the bottom bit - under the tray - you know? That's in the garage. Blimey. I'll get around to it. Anyway, £50?