Taiwanese plastic SHMASTIC !! If I wasn't interested I would be kicking up this fuss with him. The buggers ripping me off with no regard to our personal relationship. I'm being treated like a customer. hes threatening to leave it behind in a consignment shop where he would get exactly the same value. So no special favours for a friend?? whats that all about?? I wouldn't do that! I would extend a 'small discount at least as a token of goodwill. Hows that for tight!
Taiwanese plastic SHMASTIC !! If I wasn't interested I would be kicking up this fuss with him. The buggers ripping me off with no regard to our personal relationship. I'm being treated like a customer. hes threatening to leave it behind in a consignment shop where he would get exactly the same value. So no special favours for a friend?? whats that all about?? I wouldn't do that! I would extend a 'small discount at least as a token of goodwill. Hows that for tight!