In the same circumstances where someone changes lanes. Technically the one hitting from behind is at fault, yes we all know that. But I've seen cyclists pull out into busy roads without slowing, assuming (hoping) that drivers will notice and take avoiding action and give them room. As I say, I almost did it the other night. Its very, very tempting not to stop, not to have to put the effort in to get back up to speed, to try and save that tiny bit of effort and time, to keep up the momentum.
I'm aware of your campaigning viewpoint, which I respect and understand. I also understand the need for you to hammer the point home regardless of reasonableness. This is also not the right thread to have this discussion, so for me, this is closed.
In the same circumstances where someone changes lanes. Technically the one hitting from behind is at fault, yes we all know that. But I've seen cyclists pull out into busy roads without slowing, assuming (hoping) that drivers will notice and take avoiding action and give them room. As I say, I almost did it the other night. Its very, very tempting not to stop, not to have to put the effort in to get back up to speed, to try and save that tiny bit of effort and time, to keep up the momentum.
I'm aware of your campaigning viewpoint, which I respect and understand. I also understand the need for you to hammer the point home regardless of reasonableness. This is also not the right thread to have this discussion, so for me, this is closed.