Good porn just isn't a good enough reason to stick around.
Good porn? Maybe I need to move?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, being slightly over six foot and not being skinny I've hardly had anyone do anything stupid like throw things at me while on a bike... all I'm going to say is that walking away is the correct thing to do, but it does leave you feeling powerless... d-lock justice on the other hand improves selfesteme no end... it shouldn't be like that. But it is.
Last time someone threw something at me (a brick) I threw it back at them (from about 12 inches away)... it's not the right thing to do, but it does make you feel good.
Good porn? Maybe I need to move?
Perhaps unsurprisingly, being slightly over six foot and not being skinny I've hardly had anyone do anything stupid like throw things at me while on a bike... all I'm going to say is that walking away is the correct thing to do, but it does leave you feeling powerless... d-lock justice on the other hand improves selfesteme no end... it shouldn't be like that. But it is.
Last time someone threw something at me (a brick) I threw it back at them (from about 12 inches away)... it's not the right thing to do, but it does make you feel good.