You know, something that provides adapted bikes for the disabled or some other grass-roots thing, but may not normally be on the radar and get enough money.
The LCC is too big, influential, well known, and well funded already. It's the Greenpeace effect.
The groups you advocate benefit greatly from the LCC's work. Increasing the diversity of the Londoners cycling is one of our key mission objectives, and we work closely with a wide range of community organisations on such projects. There's no real separation.
We certainly aren't funded anywhere near as well as Greenpeace. I wish! Our staff team is essential for providing a strong voice of advocacy, but compared to the size of London and to our membership it is small. Most of the work of the LCC is done by volunteers in local groups.
The groups you advocate benefit greatly from the LCC's work. Increasing the diversity of the Londoners cycling is one of our key mission objectives, and we work closely with a wide range of community organisations on such projects. There's no real separation.
We certainly aren't funded anywhere near as well as Greenpeace. I wish! Our staff team is essential for providing a strong voice of advocacy, but compared to the size of London and to our membership it is small. Most of the work of the LCC is done by volunteers in local groups.