I've recently lopped minutes off my commute from Lower Sydenham to Blackfriars. I realise that its definitely the tyre pressure. I now run 125psi on the rear, and 120psi on the front. Rear tyre is the normally Specialized All Condition at 125psi, but I take 5psi off if on the front. I mix and match with the Continental GP 4000, again at 125psi on the back, and 120psi if on the front.
This is beneficial to me as I'm a heavy guy, and 90psi, for example, means I'm actually riding on the rim. What are your tyre pressure choices?
I've recently lopped minutes off my commute from Lower Sydenham to Blackfriars. I realise that its definitely the tyre pressure. I now run 125psi on the rear, and 120psi on the front. Rear tyre is the normally Specialized All Condition at 125psi, but I take 5psi off if on the front. I mix and match with the Continental GP 4000, again at 125psi on the back, and 120psi if on the front.
This is beneficial to me as I'm a heavy guy, and 90psi, for example, means I'm actually riding on the rim. What are your tyre pressure choices?