LC - I love the first incarntion of the LC. A coupl of yours ago I bought a KR1S cheap, I lusted after one when I was 16/17. It was ridiculous. 29 mpg regardless of how you rode it (this is a 250 for those who don't know/care). A litre of expensive 2-stroke every 350 miles. But what a load of fun! One of the very few motorbikes that you can screw up an approach in a bend to, and correct it like nothing had happened.
Hey hey. I had a KR1s for a bit - brilliant fun. One of only 2 bikes I ever had that could tank slap hard enough to lift both wheels off the ground. (The other was my old TL1000S, which in many ways was sort of a grown up version.)
I love 2 strokes. Bought a CR500 motard last year, but ended up flogging it because it was SOOOOOOO impractical and a pig to start. That sucka must've done no more that 15mpg, I shit you not......
Hey hey. I had a KR1s for a bit - brilliant fun. One of only 2 bikes I ever had that could tank slap hard enough to lift both wheels off the ground. (The other was my old TL1000S, which in many ways was sort of a grown up version.)
I love 2 strokes. Bought a CR500 motard last year, but ended up flogging it because it was SOOOOOOO impractical and a pig to start. That sucka must've done no more that 15mpg, I shit you not......