• #2
most people are from london on the forum but maybe set up a leicester fgss group and see who joins !
if you are ever in london there are regular drinks every night and lots of social events so there should be something to do if you are ever in town -
• #3
welcome migi !
• #4
hi dicki !
in fact i will be in london this weekend !!
as will be a few guys from karlsruhe for the bike polo event on saturday !see you maybe there ? i am the Cuban looking guy hanging out with a bunch of germans :)
• #5
Thought i post in the birmingham forum as it is the closest to me a quick train ride and i can join any activity over there
• #6
Hi migi,
Birmingham will be playing in the polo this weekend.
So if you want to meet up with some 'local' people come find our team, 'Anne Frankenstein' . -
• #7
karlsruhe... that rings a bell
is it where KHE bikes come from? me mate has a KHE premium lagger
• #8
Yes pastry_lover they are actually from karlsruhe just found out myself by skimming through the company's history :P
Karlsruhe is also the home of these guys (FIXIE inc.)
http://www.cycles-for-heroes.com/I will definetly look you guys up Hypper Allah, do you have a mobile number just in case ?
• #9
hey you are coming down for the polo nice work friday night tour de ville b=-b-q sat sun polo tourney
i'll keep and eye out -
• #10
PMing you, dicki
was the plan anyway to stick around the tourney, but i was so stupid to book my train back around 1700ish on sunday... way to early !
dont know if i was able to send you a PM , my forum skills suck -
• #11
• #12
hey migi
wennste mal zeit hast komm uns in birmingham besuchen, immer wider lustig andere ex-patrioten zu treffen! viel gluck beim polo!
• #13
• #14
Hey !!
I totally missed all games of Anne Frankenstein, as i had no idea when ond who was playing.
only heard you guys needed 2 extra players on sunday.I am planning on going to birmingham in 1-2 weekends. any polo going on then ? if yes, anyone got an extra mallet ? btw, up till now i was only a professional bike polo spectator.
Hey xFritzx, cool ! ich komm auf jedenfall nach birmingham um mal ein paar runden polo zu spielen bin ja auch noch ein totaler anfaenger. ich schick dir mal per PM meine mobile nummer.
• #15
We play every Wednesday at 630 at Calthorpe park (weather permitting).
BUT... maybe some people could come over to leicester to meet you?
This event is going on -> https://new.britishcycling.org.uk/skyride/leicester -
• #16
Sure thing ! i can accommodate a few guys just moved into a new place which is but just 30 seconds from where this picture has been made !!
so if you guys feel like coming over and need a place to sleep let me know !
wednesday is kinda stressy considering i gotta get from leicester to birmingham, how long do you guys usually play and would you have a spare mallet ?
• #17
Hey, I'm also from Leicester.. Only seen a handful of fixed bikes in 3 years here :/
Hey guys !
I am new on the forum and just wanted to introduce myself.
Moved to leicester a few years ago from Karlsruhe, Germany.
My mates from Bike Polo Karlsruhe introduced me to fixed gear
bikes and i must say i love it.
I wanted to ask if there are any people living close to leicester to ride
a few miles around the midlands with, or even take the train to somewhere
else and go on a tour with a few beers ?