Yeah the nominations are in (and I have been skiving off cycling round Cornwall, sorry about the delay), so vote for the sticker which you think is best. We will have a winner (or several), I will get a shed load made up and everyone can have some free stickers.
And the nominations for best euro-fixie-vision sticker are:
it's just a fucking bike
my other ride is your mum
Talk straight - Think circles
This machine kills knees
This Machines Kills Fascists
This machine kills halfords
I went to Halfords and all I got was this lousy bike
Hello, I am a bicycle
Hipster transport union, fixing the future
Jim Fixed this for me
My messenger bag haz no messages
We still hang bike thieves
Ride Fixies - Not Pixies
My bike will kick your bikes head in
Fun between your legs
the wheels on the bike go round n round
my beaters well weapon
VOTE NOW* and we will have an award ceremony here one evening next week
small print BS, I may miscount and get it all wrong, It doesn't really matter. Calm down.
Sod the stickers Charlie, where's those little boiled sweets?
Sod the stickers Charlie, where's those little boiled sweets?