Tao enligt Puh by Benjamin Hoff. Can't get past the first chapter.
Tao Te Ching *by Lao Tzu translated by DC Lau. Keep on returning (sic) to the first chapter.
*Tao Te Ching *by Lao Tzu translated by Le Guin. As above.
Concise English-Chinese-English Dictionary* by Oxford University Press. For the two above.
The Book of the Five Rings by Miyamoto Musashi. Written in 1643 by an 'undefeated ducler, masterless samurai and independent teacher'. On psychology and physics of lethal assault and decisive victory as the essence of warfare. Great temptation of applying the teachings in the commuter race:[INDENT]Water Scroll. Stabbing the face: When you are even with the opponent it is essential to keep thinking of stabbing him in the face. When you have the intention of stabbing your opponent in the face, he will try to get both his face and his body out of the way. When you can get your opponent to shrink away there are various advantages of which you can avail yourself to win. You should work this out thoroughly. In the midst of battle, as soon as an opponent tries to get out of the way, you have already won. Therefore it is imperative not to forget about the tactic of "stabbing the face".
[/INDENT]Finnish - Swedish - Finnish Dictionary by WSOY. For Tao enligt Puh.
No Water No Moon by Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh. The poor nun has broken the pail, water has run out, reflection of the moon in water disappeared and she is holding emptiness in her hand. Alas! Satori.
Practical Diagnosis in Traditional Chinese Medicine by Tietao Deng. This fellow is the nearly 100 yo professor of Chinese medicine in Guangzhou who discovered cure for SARS. He has a habit of repeating himself over and over again.
Last book I've actually got around to finishing? Oh my. *
Mr Concerned's TALKING Book of Home Therapy *by Steven Appleby. Mostly pictures and very large font. Recommend.
Not much fuel for the culture wars.
Sod all that shite, you need to get your head into some Dan Brown mate, it'll blow your mind.
Sod all that shite, you need to get your head into some Dan Brown mate, it'll blow your mind.