A collection of the biggest cunts I've ever seen on bicycles - geared or otherwise - coming down St Johns from Angel.
I was stopped in the centre of the lane at the traffic light where that cycle path cuts across to lead you behind essex road. It was a red light for st johns, green for the cycle path. The green man was also on for the peds trying to cross. In this case the only ped was the tiniest old lady I've seen in some time. I was there first so she watched me as I stopped and I smiled and motioned her across. She started to move only to have CUNT 1 cycle straight in front of her path scaring the shit out of her and very nearly knock into her. She moved back only to have CUNT 2 cycle BEHIND her. Quickly followed by CUNTs 3 4 5 6 and 7 follow suite.
So despite a crowd of bikes coming out of the cycle path and going in several directions, despite a frail old dear trying to cross the road when it was HER FUCKING RIGHT OF WAY no less than SEVEN fucking massive arseholes have given her a seriously poor opinion of cyclists and people this morning and by the look on her face really shaken her up.
I was ashamed to be on a bike.
NOTE: this is NOT a vent against RLJing - I do it myself regularly - but I like to think I do it safely considering others and always giving right of way if it's safe for them and myself - not just closing my eyes, storming through and with a "fuck anyone who gets in my way" attitude.
To top it off some twat at work broke the shower head clean off so there was just a fast jet of water at head height behind shot out horizontally which couldn't be regulated either power or temperature. It felt like being repeatedly punched in the face with cold water.
Fucking great.
A collection of the biggest cunts I've ever seen on bicycles - geared or otherwise - coming down St Johns from Angel.
I was stopped in the centre of the lane at the traffic light where that cycle path cuts across to lead you behind essex road. It was a red light for st johns, green for the cycle path. The green man was also on for the peds trying to cross. In this case the only ped was the tiniest old lady I've seen in some time. I was there first so she watched me as I stopped and I smiled and motioned her across. She started to move only to have CUNT 1 cycle straight in front of her path scaring the shit out of her and very nearly knock into her. She moved back only to have CUNT 2 cycle BEHIND her. Quickly followed by CUNTs 3 4 5 6 and 7 follow suite.
So despite a crowd of bikes coming out of the cycle path and going in several directions, despite a frail old dear trying to cross the road when it was HER FUCKING RIGHT OF WAY no less than SEVEN fucking massive arseholes have given her a seriously poor opinion of cyclists and people this morning and by the look on her face really shaken her up.
I was ashamed to be on a bike.
NOTE: this is NOT a vent against RLJing - I do it myself regularly - but I like to think I do it safely considering others and always giving right of way if it's safe for them and myself - not just closing my eyes, storming through and with a "fuck anyone who gets in my way" attitude.
To top it off some twat at work broke the shower head clean off so there was just a fast jet of water at head height behind shot out horizontally which couldn't be regulated either power or temperature. It felt like being repeatedly punched in the face with cold water.
Fucking great.