I bought an On one hub (£15) and merrily built it up into a wheel before realising that it was a double fixed (Doh!).
So my question is: Do you think it is still OK to use with a freewheel. The threads are identical pitch but the freewheel type hub has more available thread then this one.
Now my logic goes that a fixed cog transfers all the power over the given thread width, so why shouldn't a freewheel do the same albeit that only 2/3 of the freewheel thread is engaged.
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
Double Single = Single speed?
Hi all.
I bought an On one hub (£15) and merrily built it up into a wheel before realising that it was a double fixed (Doh!).
So my question is: Do you think it is still OK to use with a freewheel. The threads are identical pitch but the freewheel type hub has more available thread then this one.
Now my logic goes that a fixed cog transfers all the power over the given thread width, so why shouldn't a freewheel do the same albeit that only 2/3 of the freewheel thread is engaged.
Am I barking up the wrong tree?
And, yes I have UTFS.