• #2
I may just have one, let me check
• #3
Ive got one, but im down saaarrrfff in Brighton...
• #4
Just loosen the drive side crank bolt about half way and tap it with a hammer.
• #5
The cranks are rusted on properly, no amount of hammer hitting budged them. I've ordered some rust penetrating spray and am hoping this works, if not I'll be cutting them off.
• #6
Got some shit called AC90 off eBay that claimed to penetrate rust.
It fucking gobbled it all up and the cranks just tapped off. Best product I've ever used!
• #7
Ok, so the cranks have been removed, painted and are ready to go.
When you tighten them up is it common for the BB to become stiff? Should I only tighten them a certain amount?
the spacers are pressed against the bearings, is this right?
• #8
There should be a spacer in the midle that stops the bearings getting stiff. You ay have the wrong sized spacer in there.
• #9
I only have 2 sizes. Large and thin and small and fat.
I assumed it was small and fat
• #10
Try the other one.
• #11
Can't be arsed anymore, I've just bought the hop-up kit.
Has anyone on here got the Profile crank removal and installation tool that I could borrow?
It looks like this and comes with the cranks.
There's beer in it for someone.
Thanks people.