OK, So I'd like to summarise the awesomeness of the weekend for the mailing list. If you don't yet know the mailing list has 9,000+ people on it and I'd like to send a message out in a few hours.
Who has photos (links please)?
Who can do a good job of summarising the weekend in a few paragraphs?
I'm really keen to make sure that EHBPC gets the coverage it deserves, but I am such a shite writer that I could do with a hand. So I'd appreciate it if someone can knock something up.
OK, So I'd like to summarise the awesomeness of the weekend for the mailing list. If you don't yet know the mailing list has 9,000+ people on it and I'd like to send a message out in a few hours.
Who has photos (links please)?
Who can do a good job of summarising the weekend in a few paragraphs?
I'm really keen to make sure that EHBPC gets the coverage it deserves, but I am such a shite writer that I could do with a hand. So I'd appreciate it if someone can knock something up.