• #1402
Ahhhh... the unmistakable shimmer off the street from the summer heat.
I love this country. -
• #1403
We've just had an awesome shower/force 10 gale in SE1... Fantastic... Packs bags, buys ticket to Queensland
• #1404
blimey, it just belted down for a full 10 mins, 2 mins later it's so hot you can take your t-shirt off.
• #1405
Wouldn't mind it if it carries on raining for the next five days...in Edgebaston
• #1406
what the hell? i've just gotten back to london. did someone forget to turn the summer on? it's bloody freezing here. oh and im soaked right through after my little whip around town. great... forgot how much i missed this place...
• #1407
I don't usually do this, well not on t'internet...
but for fuckssake, why is everyone such a whiny little bitch as soon as we run into june, july august, what the fuck! Does no one remember back in may and june when the sun was out and it was as hot as satan's cock! Was wimbledon rained out this year and I missed it!
So it rains every so often and the weathers a bit sketchy three days out of seven. Get the fuck over it, its england, its always been this way.
Its just getting on my last motherfucking nerve, how short the memories are, and how the few days of rain (albeit the heavy showers that are as if god has pissed on the area in which you have decided to inhabit) can colour the perception of a season.
Last year I grant you, the weather was horrendous and there was a lot more rain and rainy days to circumvent. Is this summer worse/better? Judging from the general blah blah blah bad summer, blah blah blah too fucking rainy, blah blah blah england's weather is awful, that I've been subjected to you'd think it has rained everyday since may 1st.
increase the peace y'all
• #1408
Quit whining about whiny people, Corny. ;)
• #1409
I know its rain but thank baby jesus and all those that love him, I cannot stand that muggy shit we have had to put up with, i couldn't sleep, got savaged by some pointless bittey insect of a cunt and had just about enough of sweaty spuds for this year, and the headache.. its like sitting through a maroon 5 concert
• #1410
I love the heat and this summer has been quite ok for shitty british weather
• #1411
oh wow, I am wearing really inappropriate clothes for this.
• #1412
Shorts, Pengy t-shirt lotsof sun and a gentle on shore breeze. The boats are gently swaying in the Marina and the nipper is staying at granny's tonight, day off tomorrow so a nice night out with my good lady when she gets back from work.
Happy happy days.
• #1413
Office - tube - pub - state of total fuckedness - tube - office - bike - kebab shop - hippy, gently swaying in the bathroom at home
What bad weather?
• #1414
Must spread rep.
• #1415
Pissing down in Greetham at the moment, but I am in the pub with a beer and dinner about to be ordered.
• #1416
i rode through heavy rain in stratford a lil while back....it was actually quite fun :)
• #1417
Today . . .is a really great day (weather wize that is)
• #1418
Yes, it is rather clement.
• #1419
I apologise for tonight... I finally wore my new SIDIs. So of course it pisses down. As you were.
• #1420
bloody git, it has rained for 8 hours solid
• #1421
It's been lovely and sunny on the ioM for the past 2 weeks. Which is nice as it rained every day in august.
• #1422
bloody git, it has rained for 8 hours solid
If it makes you feel better, me and the Condor swam home..
• #1423
I've never ridden home in worse conditions. Particularly bad from about 6.35 to 7. I felt like it was quite dangerous really, especially with so many shit cyclists about.
• #1424
Yeah.. you ride well dodgy in the wet.
• #1425
cycled home wrapped in recycling bags. 50% pedalling, 50% skidding.
mmmmmm... lasagna!