At some point, probably. But I've got specifics to work on, and the top bit of Swains is no good for looping (1-way). More likely Hillfield Park at the moment.
I just looked at Sam's map again. Fucking hell, Sam. Never mind the climbs, but there's a couple of descents which I'd want to do fixed in the dark, just to stop me from otherwise coasting into the abyss :O
The Surrey Hills is a flat route next to that one. What have we done to make you so angry?
At some point, probably. But I've got specifics to work on, and the top bit of Swains is no good for looping (1-way). More likely Hillfield Park at the moment.
I just looked at Sam's map again. Fucking hell, Sam. Never mind the climbs, but there's a couple of descents which I'd want to do fixed in the dark, just to stop me from otherwise coasting into the abyss :O
The Surrey Hills is a flat route next to that one. What have we done to make you so angry?