fabulous TDF this year.. well done Cav winning in Paris. VB thanks for allowing us to you tube tons of footage..
Speculation in the Spanish papers recently, that F1 driver Fernando Alonso is fronting a pro cycling team with Santander.. looks like Cuntador might have a saviour post Astana, he is possibly the most disliked rider in the peloton this year.. charmless, arrogant, selfish, egotistic. Lance was on the charm offensive this past week. I think perhaps, he got through this tour as a bit of a hero, now that he is looking to recruit riders for Radio Shack / Tandy, right?
It is amazing what a bit of humility can do for ones soul, Lance must be reading 'how to make friends and influence people, again'..
fabulous TDF this year.. well done Cav winning in Paris. VB thanks for allowing us to you tube tons of footage..
Speculation in the Spanish papers recently, that F1 driver Fernando Alonso is fronting a pro cycling team with Santander.. looks like Cuntador might have a saviour post Astana, he is possibly the most disliked rider in the peloton this year.. charmless, arrogant, selfish, egotistic. Lance was on the charm offensive this past week. I think perhaps, he got through this tour as a bit of a hero, now that he is looking to recruit riders for Radio Shack / Tandy, right?
It is amazing what a bit of humility can do for ones soul, Lance must be reading 'how to make friends and influence people, again'..